主  催: 繊維学会西部支部、九州大学 G-COE「未来分子システム科学」

共  催: 九州大学 高分子機能創造リサーチコア

開催日時: 平成22611日(金)1530分〜1700

開催場所: 九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト4号館 物質5番講義室

講師氏名: Prof. Alan R. Esker

所   属: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

題  目: Vesicle Interactions with Surfaces and Surfactant Interactions

With Biomimetic Phospholipid Bilayers


概  要: Relationships between the structure of nonionic polymeric Surfactants and their interactions with phospholipid bilayers were examined by the Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). Results revealedthe adsorption and desorption kinetics had a strong dependence on the hydrophobic tail group structure. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) surfactants with a single linear alkyl tail can insert and saturate the lipid surface quickly. However, the surfactants had fast desorption rates. PEG lipids that contained dioleoyl and cholesterol tails demonstrated slower adsorption and desorption kinetics.  The adsorption of Pluronics and Nonoxynol surfactants, two commercially available PEG surfactants, onto phospholipid bilayers was also studied.  Pluronics had no apparent affinity for the phospholipid bilayer, while the Nonoxynol surfactants damaged phospholipid bilayer. The degree of destruction by the Nonoxynol surfactants decreased as PEG molar mass increased.